missing my family
awwww....my baby bro just called to say hi. i've been so busy with studying and he's so busy with work that we don't get to talk as much as we like to.
jon --i'm so glad you called...it's nice to hear your voice as always. i read your xanga everyday...i know there's a lot going on in your life. hopefully we can chat more this weekend. i miss you, i love you. please be sure to hang out with mom and dad as much as you can even though i'm not there. let them know what's going on in your life too ok? HUGZ...
mom and dad, it's always nice to talk to you too. i'm sorry that sometimes i get irritated with your advice...u know some topics are sensitive to me. i hear you...don't worry. i love you. i am strong because of you...
this is a really tough week. really been missing everyone at home. and have so many things due at school. so tired because not enuf sleep. nonstop studying. i can get through this...