Monday, December 20, 2004

final stretch...

may i have the strength left to pull another all nighter...

Friday, December 17, 2004

it's that time boys and girls

it's finals time. anyone want to take my finals for me? anyone? anyone?? don't all volunteer at once now.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

a beautiful mind

john nash -yes the same guy they made the movie about - went to CMU for his undergrad and his masters in mathematics.. he finished both degrees in under 3 years. kool huh?

it's snowing!!


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Saturday, December 11, 2004

first snow!!

first snow was today! i tried to take a picture but you can't see the snowflakes. i'll try again later. :)

Friday, December 10, 2004

u callin me chicken???

there is a professor of entrepreneurship/venture capital here that seems to have taken it upon himself to be my mentor. i initially approached him to help me coordinate a series of visits to local vc's. as soon as i went into his office he proceeded to look at my resume and almost interview me. i was like..huh?? i thought this was related to a trip, not me! then he starts telling me about all the things i need to be involved in, like this venture investment competition in which we will compete in the northeastern region. this means we are going against harvard and mit. mit is goin DOWN!!!! hahahaha...i think he pretty much wants me on the team. he mentioned he wanted a "motivated first year" to be on the team to have the experience and then for that student to become team captain the following year. at first i thought...ok he wants me to apply. but that doesn't mean i'm chosen. but then i went to this networking event last nite and he was basically taking me around and introducing me to people. he's such a hard ass too. as soon as he saw me he asked to see who i met. but i pulled out the business card of a exactly the biotech VC he wanted to intro me too. HA! mel got brownie points!

also he called me a chicken in an email! well actually he sent me the syllabus of the class he teaches, early stage funding. i looked at it and saw it has two requirements which i'm already enrolled in. so i write back to him...and say that it says it has two requirements, so perhaps i should take those first. he then writes back to tell me that sure, it says it has requirements...but if the prof waives them for you, then it's ok. but then he says...but if you think it's too early in your MBA career and you are scared of the snooty second years...then wait until next year to take it. dammit! i'm no chicken! i can't believe he called me chicken! that guy...but it's good. i know he does it to push me. make me try for my potential. i'm taking the class! sheesh!

it's my birthday today. so many people have wished me happy bday. makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. :):):) no matter what happens in my life or my career, i'm always glad to have my friends and family. i love you guys!!!

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Network events actually work!

ok folks, there are so many people out there who don't go to networking events because they are too lazy or they think that the likelihood of the event helping them in some way is small. or else maybe they think they are too shy and then don't want to bother. people, get off your asses and get out there! if you want to do something, do it. don't just talk about it.

some people might think i'm lucky, to just always know the right person and to have the right contacts. i'm not lucky. i make the effort. more so than others. people here sometimes gripe about how it's sooooo hard to network, to get to the right person. i'm constantly networking...all the time. because what is networking really? just making new friends. yesterday i met a really kool woman at the entrepreneurship alumni event last nite. she had a really similar background to me in that she came from biotech and she did a lot of extra-curriculars (planning conventions and things). she also clicked with me because i mentioned i went to the MIT enterprise forum (she used to be very involved with them also)- there were only maybe 3 tepper students who went to that and i convinced one of them to go with me. we instantly got along =) i wanted to talk to her becuase she's starting her own biotech company dealing with diagnostic products for lupus- i'm interested in starting my own company someday in the future..after i've satisfied my VC cravings. so i thought i'd just chat to see what it takes to start a biotech company. turns out here business parnter is from a huge local biotech VC. and she's going to set me up with them. :)

networking's something that everyone has said "oh , i should do more of that" but they never do. so..from me to you, here's a swift KICK *kick in the butt!!!* now, go out there and network!

now if only i could swap networking for finals. networking is much more important rite? hahahaha..........i wish.

Monday, December 06, 2004



Sunday, December 05, 2004


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ah what an interesting nite. some scandalous dancing between classmates. gossip gossip! haha...
so one of the co-presidents of the VC club kept trying to dance with me a little too closely for my comfort. i had to be creative with my dance moves to get away. haha....he's a really nice guy and everything. i assumed he was safe since he's married! guess i just always have to be careful about being nice to people. i always thought he was so friendly to me since i was one of the few people so gung ho about VC stuff. it sucks that i always have to be careful about talking to guys here. they think that if you are nice to them, that you're interested. i guess east coast girls must give east coast boys a lotta attitude or something. well thank goodness i don't have to worry about yani or tiny.

Friday, December 03, 2004

he wrote back!

so I sent an email to the CEO about that summer internship at the merchant bank. I had to send an email directly to him because the position is not posted on the website at all and since I had gotten his card i figured i minus well. I sent it at 2:30 in the afternoon and the CEO wrote back at 7PM. YAY! good sign. =)

now he linked me up with the people in the company that handle internships. cross your fingers!

there is a christmas party today. i wish i had remembered to bring more dresses from home. :-p