Thursday, December 09, 2004

Network events actually work!

ok folks, there are so many people out there who don't go to networking events because they are too lazy or they think that the likelihood of the event helping them in some way is small. or else maybe they think they are too shy and then don't want to bother. people, get off your asses and get out there! if you want to do something, do it. don't just talk about it.

some people might think i'm lucky, to just always know the right person and to have the right contacts. i'm not lucky. i make the effort. more so than others. people here sometimes gripe about how it's sooooo hard to network, to get to the right person. i'm constantly networking...all the time. because what is networking really? just making new friends. yesterday i met a really kool woman at the entrepreneurship alumni event last nite. she had a really similar background to me in that she came from biotech and she did a lot of extra-curriculars (planning conventions and things). she also clicked with me because i mentioned i went to the MIT enterprise forum (she used to be very involved with them also)- there were only maybe 3 tepper students who went to that and i convinced one of them to go with me. we instantly got along =) i wanted to talk to her becuase she's starting her own biotech company dealing with diagnostic products for lupus- i'm interested in starting my own company someday in the future..after i've satisfied my VC cravings. so i thought i'd just chat to see what it takes to start a biotech company. turns out here business parnter is from a huge local biotech VC. and she's going to set me up with them. :)

networking's something that everyone has said "oh , i should do more of that" but they never do. so..from me to you, here's a swift KICK *kick in the butt!!!* now, go out there and network!

now if only i could swap networking for finals. networking is much more important rite? hahahaha..........i wish.


At 12:02 AM, Blogger Jane Lee said...

SK: I always say that success is seldom by accedent. Personal effort is the real key!

At 12:07 AM, Blogger Jane Lee said...

SK: I always say that success is seldom by accident. Personal effort is the number 1 key!


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