this looks both fun and painful at the same time
belated vacation post. we had to go to cozumel for a wedding so we turned it into a vacation. much needed since we've been so busy with hunny working and studying and me being busy with the shop.
i love! music plays such a big part in my life. listening to specific songs will greatly influence my mood. i love this site/application. it's able to detect my itunes library and make me recommendations based on other people with similar playlists. i'm discovering a lot of new artists this way. the creators were very good and figuring out how people listen to music. and they are also able to monetize in such a way that generates revenue because users truly see the value.
apache! hahah. ah i remember the days when i was the one restarting stupid apache.
wow i'm just brimming with blog posts today aren't i?
so with my yogurt and cupcake diet, i've lost weight! mostly because yogurt has protein and doesn't have fat. so i don't feel hungry enough to eat a full lunch later on. as for cupcakes, well i don't really stick to eating one of those a day. hehe.
i've been known to have lists for everything. what i want in a school, what i want in a job, what i want in a bf, what i want in a marriage.
yes yes i know, i've been neglecting my blog! so i have a few entries that i've been meaning to write about. get ready for some reading material! haha