Monday, January 30, 2006

busy bee

i'm a busy bee yet again. winter break was a nice vacation. did absolutely nothing but fun stuff like hang out with my family, hunny and eat good food with friends. (ok well i did do a few company visits but it didn't require much more than driving around and talking to people) i recounted the classes i'm taking. i thought i was only taking 6. instead i'm taking 7. not all of them are hard of course. three of them are semester long which means that i don't have to worry about finals at the same time as my other classes. the surprising thing is i really like all of them. so that makes things much more pleasant. i'm not stressed at all - as indicated with my skin, no breakouts since winter break. three of the classes are evening classes, which means that they only meet once a week.

other things on my to do list:
-revise bplan for company
-revise presentation
-email more panelists for VC panel
-email and apply to more companies
-schedule meeting to transition the VC club-make sure new officers attend the budget meeting
-set up next month's events
-HW for biomaterials
-HW for biomedical engineering
-email CRO's to visit and discuss business idea
-go to health services and get a check up

i've been wheezing a lot due to my allergy to mold and have been using my inhaler almost twice a day (apparently many people develop this allergy later on in life). i can feel my passageways are inflamed. i've also had a couple dizzy spells the last couple of days which have scared me a little. of course i've also been working out a lot lately which has put some strain on my body. i'm going to see if i can get a walk in appt tomorrow!!

Saturday, January 28, 2006


i'm loving this class. it's hard, it's been a long time since i've studied histology. but it's all the stuff i used to love. cell types, properties. although i don't have all my amino acid structures memorized anymore. haha.

did you know that early bone engineering began by implanting a piece of coral which was seeded with osteoblasts (bone generating cells)? if you look at a picture, it's pretty cool. but i won't show you because it's a little bloody. this isn't actually new information for me, i've learned it before. but i've always found tissue re-engineering interesting. stop laughing amy....

ladybug count

since i've gotten back from break i've found 7 ladybugs in my room. some had collected during break.

i've just found one more.

that makes it 8.

ug...nobody else in the house has this problem. maybe my lotion attracts ladybugs??!!

Monday, January 23, 2006

entrepreneurial blood

i've recently had the perfect start up opportunity basically drop right into my lap. two engineers need a business person. both are decently business savvy but i could still provide a lot of guidance. it's involving areas in which i feel i have a lot of knowledge and connections. pharmacogenetics, molecular diagnostics, drug discovery tools. right up my alley. i've started my own company before. i've everything from recruiting, sales, to engineering. is it possible that all that was to prepare me for this moment? to start with i think i'll do some business competitions with them and see how that goes. start making some connections. i'm pretty excited about working on it.

at the same time, i was also very excited about some possible ft possibilities with some large biotechs. very different i know, but both very new to me. i suppose i'll just help out for now until i have to start working. if i can get funding, things could change.

let's see how deep the rabbit hole goes. my brother may have some friendly competition. haha.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

time warp

lately i've been taking classes for my biotech track. these are not offered by the bschool so i need to take them in other departments. this means they are normally not mini classes but semester long classes. also it means that i have to take classes with undergrads. whooosh time warp. i remember the times when i was an undergrad. classes seemed so long and i fell asleep much more than i do now. haha... it's different in grad school. i actually know i'll be able to use the skills i'm learning so i'm actually interested in learning. not that i wasn't interested in learning before, but it was different. looking around, you can see the boredom in everyone's faces. many are there because the class is a requirement they need to fill, not because they are actually interested in the topic. also, the classes go much slower than bschool classes. in bschool they cram all our learning in 7 weeks - 2 to 3 hour long classes. at ucla it was a quarter system so classes were 10 weeks long. in the undergrad classes i'm taking right now, the classes are a whole semester long. my gawd!!! they spent one whole day on just the syllabus. it's like the prof is trying to make small talk just to make sure to have enough material to drag out for the whole semester. it's the strangest thing to have gone to 2 classes already, and it was still nothing but syllabus and review. in tepper, syllabus is 15 min and then we launch right into the class. projects and homework are due immediately.

another adjustment. these little boys have got to stop hitting on me. you know i was invited to some random party by some guy that i just randomly asked for directions? (being in bschool, you have all your classes in one building so you have no idea about the rest of the campus) he asked for my last name and i wondered why. today i get this random evite for an invite only party. it's called SO.Phisticated. hahahaha. not to knock on undergrads, last years roomies were awesome. but getting hit on by little boys is too much.

good times at 5305 beeler

what a weekend. friday we caught a movie together - Munich. definitely not what i expected...i thought it was a movie about the olympics! however it was an excellent movie. growing up i've read about all the strife going on between isrealis and palestinians. when going to school i met some people from isreal for the first time. people that have actually served in the isreali army. today, the issues between isrealis and palestinians are different. i won't go into those here. but when the movie was taking place - 1970's, the issue was about land. palestinians felt like they had no place to call home. although there were many other countries that would accept them, they wanted jerusalem to call their home. i never thought about it before, but what if there wasn't a china? a totally random thought. would i feel bothered that i didn't have a country of cultural origin? i was born in new york, not china. i definitely identify the US more as my home rather than china. perhaps i take it for granted that i could live in china whenever i choose. but if someone took that right away from me, i'd be rather angry. anyways...just pondering. you always want what you can't have right? and what you have, you take for granted.

saturday we have a potluck at our duplex. 30 grad students from public policy, MISM, and MBA all got together. it was great! i don't think tepper has ever organized anything so cross departmental. no school was discussed of course. only good food and good wine. i made my speciality - chinese style salmon. always a hit at parties. i wish i had the forethought to bring my camera downstairs! after dinner you'll never guess what we did. we went swing dancing at an undergrad frat party. it was the strangest experience ever. i felt like i stepped into a scene of napolean dynamite. plastic bowls full of cheesy popcorn and pretzels. no alcohol - only cherry coke,sprite and orange soda. many of the boys were....eccentric. white shirts tucked into their light blue non-baggy jeans. glasses, bad haircuts and very pasty white skin. some of the girls were not much better. a couple were good dancers. good but not great. others were trying very hard. but as long as they were having fun, it's all good. i definitely think if someone doesn't know how to dance, better to try and look like a fool than never try at all. you gotta learn sometime right? lights covered with cellophane (for the club effect). oh...the clincher. we were in the basement. hahaha..... don't get me wrong, i actually had a TON of fun teaching my roommates how to swing dance. it was really nice to do something other than hit a bar or watch a movie for a change. but after i was asked by a little boy "what's your major" i just had to stop dancing. cmon - i'm a decade older than these boys! that's just so wrong.

sunday was just as fun but in a totally different way. vacuumed the whole downstairs. swept the kitchen, doorway and front of the house. did laundry. went to a step class with rita, then cooked dinner with rita and jeff. erik and joe joined in for the food. after dinner, watched The Island. excellent movie. scarlett is so gorgeous it hurts. dang - i must go work out more! ok this post is turning into a stream of consciousness post. oh well. i really enjoy the fact that my roommates like to cook together. it feels like i have a family away from home. :)

Friday, January 20, 2006

extended bdays

i love extended bdays. i know it's january but i got to have bday dinners with teddio and diana. together and then separately. haha. i think these bday dinners start to mean more and more as we all get older and busier. i rarely talk to ted one on one these days. same with diana because we both think the other is just too busy. the lack of one on one activities is somewhat true for most friends since we tend to do many group things. due to the fact that most of us spend so much more time on busy jobs and busy school lives, when we do decide to do something social, it's a huge group just to see all the people you missed at the same time. even though i love group events, sometimes it's great to just do a one on one dinner and really talk. not "how's the job" blah blah talk but REALLY talk. about our lives, hopes, dreams and fears.

my new years resolution. do more one on one events - not just on my bday. of course this would be easier if i were in the same state as most my friends. the month of may just cannot come soon enough.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

cute miso

hunny and i went to visit janey and tony to see their brand new puppy malte-pooh named miso. they named her miso because her color resembles miso soup. also tony is korean and miso means "smile" in korean. miso is soooooo cute! she looks like a stuffed animal that can walk around! after only three weeks she is already mostly potty trained (when she doesn't get too excited) and can play fetch. here are some pics and video. it was so funny to see hunny get all goo goo gaga over the puppy. haha....he kept saying "she so cute!" of course i couldn't stop myself either. she's so cute!

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yum yum dim sum

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Just before I left for Pitts, we had dim sum with hunny and my whole family (including grandma). it was hilarious since jon likes to pose for funny pictures all the time. also dad likes to tease mom and try to get kisses from her in public. after goofing off and taking funny pictures, we then talked about good business ideas. the conversation in general was very light hearted and full of laughter. i miss everyone already. :(

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

be a man!

not sure if you guys have heard of russell peters. he's the indian comedian that does impressions of chinese people really well. "be a man!" hahaha. my roommates were the ones that showed me a video clip of him. hilarious! sandily and i get to go see him saturday nite! and then sunday i'm off back to pittsburgh. not to worry, i'll spend time with hunny and my family over the weekend before i leave also.

brrrrr...i'm so cold. even though it's not raining, outside is so chilly! i'm huddled under my bed as i type this. underneath a huge down comforter.

skin - my skin has been totally great ever since i've been home. i'm still returning the proactiv stuff since i stopped using it. my dad gave me this other stuff that works better. cleocin. also i've been sleeping a lot and been force fed some chinese herbal pill things every day by my dad. i've also been eating really good food. so the combination of all of the above has totally cleared up my skin. let's hope it stays this way!

Friday, January 06, 2006

company visits

we've been doing a number of company visits in order for students to network and also allow the companies to sell their positions and company atmoshpere to the students. there is normally one in the morning and one in the afternoon. the whole day will go from 9AM until 5 or 6PM. Yesterday however we had a networking event until 10PM. Ugh....i don't like this waking up early business! it's like i'm working again! only it's been a long time since i've had to be in the office before 10AM. heheh....i lucked out.

I've really enjoyed some of the company visits so far. Wednesday we got to talk to the VP of business dev at genentech. Yesterday we saw Apple. We also saw Intel. each of those companies are soooooo different. some places completely are looking for quant jocks from our school and they pride themselves in having a model for everything. being on the tech side of things, i never realized finance qould be so quantitative. engineers types really work well in that role. i however am not one if those engineer types. although i liked tech stuff, i still have a great need to feel effective at influencing people person to person. however there were other things i noticed that companies really valued. one company (i'm keeping names ambiguous so i don't get in trouble) was really interested in people who are passionate - those who can "light up" about something and become really excited. i wasn't going to apply to this company initially, but after seeing the presentation, i think i might really enjoy working there. i definitely see myself as the type of person that gets really excited about the things i enjoy. enjoying my working environment and working with great coworkers is something i really value. so i'll apply and see where it takes me. this will probably be the one and only non-biotech company i apply to. but i'll be applying for the life science department...of course :)

at the networking event, it was a panel for alumns in the biopharma industry. some of the discussion was very interesting, although i admit it was hard to pay attention 100% since i'd woken up at 7AM and was pretty much running around and busy the whole day. by the time i got to the panel i was pretty tired. however i had to "turn it on" and be at my networking best since there were numerous people there i wanted to connect with. i'm very conscious of the difference when i "turn it on" and when "it's off". when i don't make any effort, i can easily just blend into the background. however when i do make the effort, it's pretty easy for me to make connections with people. sometimes deep down, i'm still amazed at myself. in my head, i still see myself as the quiet girl in high school who sits in the far back corner of class. so when i'm at my networking best - this little voice goes off in my head "wow, these people are responding really well to me. are they just pretending?" strange isn't it? and not to say that i feel as if i'm pretending to be someone else. because i don't feel that either. really, i've always had the same personality. only beforehand, i was only outgoing with my close friends. now - i just threw away that little barrier i used to have and i talk to everyone as if they were my close friend.

i also find it humorous when guys play off of the "i'm talking to a pretty lady" routine at networking events. It really doesn't matter if you're pretty or not. i think it's just something guys do to be charming and memorable - to elicit a laugh. but it's always the same. i don't know why but i always feel a little insulted when they try this routine on me - i mean just because i'm a girl doesn't mean i don't have a brain..sheesh. and i shouldn't be a novelty at a networking event just because i'm a girl. at that point i normally start talking work and science stuff to change the topic quickly. also i don't take complements very well so i never know what to say back. =P. "'re lovely too. " anyways..this routine happened with two people i'm trying to network with to find a job. both work at biotechs that i would love to do business development for. and i've been having some trouble breaking in without a PhD or an MD. as i was talking to one person about a potential job, the other person came over and said "you can't steal her from me, we're hiring her." now of course this creates a very difficult situation. I pretty much know that it will be hard to justify me as a busines dev person in either company. but the way these two were going at it, it was like they were fighting to hire me. i could even sense a little seriousness in their jokes. i don't really know what's going on. but i definitely hope their macho competition thing will help me land a bus dev job.

i'm getting a little nervous about the job hunt. i know i shouldn't since it's still very early for the west coast. if i rush it too much, i'll miss out on other good opportunities that will open up later in the game. but i'm seeing more and more classmates have job offers already. i know this is because most of them were looking to stay on the east coast. but it still doesn't help my nervousness. the competitive spirit in me wanted to get the better job first!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

happy holidays and happy new year!

i've been a total bum since coming home for xmas break! i don't remember what it's like to do work anymore! hahaha.....i love it! been spending my days sleeping in, watching movies, chatting and eating with my family, calling friends, doing dinners and lunches. sometimes i feel bad for not doing any work ( i should be working on club stuff and seeking out more people to network with for a fulltime job). but then i wait a few minutes and that bad feeling subsides as i wallow deeper into my lethargy. hahaha...

hunny and i went snowboarding for our 2 year anniversary. but it rained and we got soaked. and i got the flu. booo. and so i spent all of the friday before new years sleeping and inhaling medication so that i could go out for new years. i've forgotten how nice it is to be taken care of by my parents when i'm sick. after all these years my dad still loves to take care of me, monitoring all my medication, checking my temperature constantly. i still love being his little girl sometimes. i would not have made such a speedy recovery without him! for new years, hunny was nice enough to drive all the way over to my house to pick me up so i didn't have to drive while sick. first we stopped over at diana's house. diana had an immaculate display of cheese, meats and crackers. as well as divers bottles of good wine! you can be assured all were consumed. none by me as the regulator ...ahem...i mean hunny...wouldn't let me drink any alcohol since i was sick. dave made this amazing pasta and pesto/bacon encrusted salmon. caroline brought baked brie and hand made chocolate truffles. sabrina and jon made it out as well all the way from LA! also saw jen shen there, it's been a long time since i've seen her. it was so nice to eat and drink with everyone together. it was also a great chance for people to get to know hunny better. generally we tend to do a lot of huge group things with my friends so it's hard to really get to talk. so it was nice to hear our own voices, take our time, and just chill. after dinner we headed up to lawrence's house for party number two with his brothers and his HS friends for the countdown. mostly a lot of talking and laughing. they do drink a little but nothing really crazy. mostly a chill but memorable new years.

final thoughts of the year:
each day i'm home, i miss it more and more. i am forever grateful for the health and happiness of my family. i can't wait to move back to the bay area. a friend has told me about all the opportunities in china, but i just don't think i could be away for that long. the laughter and love of my family is infectious and always warms my heart no matter how cold it is outside.

i love hunny more and more with every second i spend with him. and when i feel like i can't possibly love anyone heart expands and i love him even more. he takes care of me but in a way that is so subtle - so that i still feel like i'm not being babied. he makes me laugh without trying at all. his embrace makes all my worries and pains go away. his words soothe my soul.

and with that, i'll leave u! also i'll share pics from the weekend! :D

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