there was a boy i had a HUGE crush on when i was in 7th and 8th grade. murray. i just found him on facebook because there have been a bunch of st. andrews connections there recently. he's so not cute anymore! he looks so....average and fat.
there were two other girls i found also, i had thought they were my friends but they ditched me at great america and i was so sad i was crying. now they look old and are stay at home moms. boy, i'm really glad people still ask me what college i go to when i dress down. i was so traumatized back then by those girls. but i have to say, that experience changed how i view the world. i try to include everyone i know in anything i plan - even the quiet ones.
i'm supposed to meet up with one of the "popular" boys for lunch. he has a family of 4 kids now. FOUR!!! i doubt he will recognize me. i was so nerdy and quiet back then!