my parents are making me eat worms...
dad: you live on instant noodles and hot dogs?
me: haha
dad: Even weekends?
me: pretty much that's what happens during finals weeks
me: haha
me: of course i eat other things
me: during week it's easier not to cook
me: i have frozen dumplings too
me: and grapes
me: don't worry, i am not starving
dad: No wonder your body yells out with pimples!
dad: Any vitamins?
dad: And calcium?
me: yes i take the herbal stuff
dad: And iron pills?
me: and sometimes vitamins
dad: And Chinese worm pills?
me: hey u didn't tell me they are worm pills!!!!!!
me: worm!!!!
me: you said herbal!!!!!!!
dad: They are Winter Worm Sommer Weed pills.
me: what's winter worm
dad: In the winter, it exists as worms.
dad: in summer it lives inside weeds and dies and becomes part of the weed.
dad: In winter it moves, in summer it is just a twick/weed.
dad: Very fancy stuff ahhhh.
dad: To make ladies sexy and beautiful!
dad: Only Queens can afford them in old days.
me: have me eating worms
me: i'm going to blog this
dad: Hahhhhhhhhh.
dad: It is a known lady life preserver.
dad: Besides helping wheezing problem.
dad:: Isn't your mother is sexy and beautiful.
me: oh yes very
me: but she lived most her life without worms
dad: Real life clinical prove ah.
me: so i'm fine with just good genes
dad: Oh you must count all the vitamins, creams, lotions, love and care etc, etc.
dad: Minus kid stress.
me: hey!
dad: So life is really a concoction of all these.
dad: Put them together with some sun shine and some rain.
dad: Old fashion biotech!
good to know dad still thinks mom is sexy and beautiful. hahaha.
my dad the biotechnologist. haha..