Thursday, March 30, 2006

sunny cmu

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the birds are chirping, there is a light breeze in the air, the smell of spring is everywhere. after so much cold weather, it really is a great feeling to see such a nice day. kids are sunbathing all over the lawn trying to tan their pasty skin. hahaha. it's only 68 degrees out! still a little chilly for me to be sunbathing.

i really want to go play tennis with roomie jeff, but i have a midterm to study for. booo.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

back to blog another day

so i'm back! finally! after 7 classes, revising a business plan (two complete rewrites and still at least one more to go) and presentation slides and presentations. spending my spring break in freaking pittsburgh to prepare for competitions. the last couple days, nights, early mornings were spent practicing, revising, practicing again and revising.

drama. i was pissed. past tense because i know why they did it. our team was bumped from this week's competition in favor of another team. only one biotech cmu team is allowed. this was strategic so since the other team had a higher probablility of winning a ticket to the moot competition (superbowl of these competitions) and then the profs could give us the free ticket they hold in their hands. the other team is way more prepared than we are. but that's because it's a team that has worked on the plan since last year. we (the MBA's on my team) just got our hands into ours for 1 month. we've made a lot of progress in such a short time. a lot of long hours and little sleep. still needs work, but i'm proud of our accomplishments. so i was mad we were bumped. after all our long hard hours during finals week to do something that wasn't even graded, just to make a fake deadline our advisors made for us. i think they didn't think we could pull it off. but we did. and it was a nice HAH! suckers, we did it! the whole situation could have been handled by the professors better. but i don't care. we are going to win a competition even if it kills me. our first one is next week. wish us luck!

i'm trying not to take too many classes next mini. somehow i still ended up with 7. don't worry, one is just me TA'ing a class. so i just have to show up and grade a few papers at the end of the year. i'll be nice on your grade if you buy me ice cream! haha...kidding. steak maybe. hahaha....

i really need to take less classes, but at least my tepper classes are totally fun. advanced negotiations and business acting. but i might trade business acting for star performers. or i might just sit in on star performers. akkk....i need to take less classes. must....resist!

other than that my spring break was spent on working out, cooking and watching movies. i watched In Her Shoes. cameron diaz sometimes looks like a man. it's the high cheekbones and almost chiseled face. i still admire her muscle tone though. even for someone so skinny she must have had to diet a lot to lose so much body fat that you can see all the ripples. also, i don't remember her boobs being so big. plastic surgery? overall i loved the story. of course i'm a sap. but cmon! she overcomes her dyslexia and reads a poem at her sisters wedding! how can you not tear up at that??!!

i also watched 2046. a wong kar wai film. very true to his style, it's all about lighting, music, period style, and unspoken tension. zhang ziyi was gorgeous of course. Takuya Kimura from long vacation was also in it! what a cutie. i'd been looking forward to watching that movie ever since i read about it on montauk's blog. if i could describe the movie in one word - passionate. the actors, the mood, the colors, the actions...all passionate. but chungking express is still my all time fav wong kar wai film. of course it helps that takeshi kaneshiro was in it. hehe....

Friday, March 03, 2006

winter worms

my parents are making me eat worms...

dad: you live on instant noodles and hot dogs?
me: haha
dad: Even weekends?
me: pretty much that's what happens during finals weeks
me: haha
me: of course i eat other things
me: during week it's easier not to cook
me: i have frozen dumplings too
me: and grapes
me: don't worry, i am not starving
dad: No wonder your body yells out with pimples!
dad: Any vitamins?
dad: And calcium?
me: yes i take the herbal stuff
dad: And iron pills?
me: and sometimes vitamins
dad: And Chinese worm pills?
me: hey u didn't tell me they are worm pills!!!!!!
me: worm!!!!
me: you said herbal!!!!!!!
dad: They are Winter Worm Sommer Weed pills.
me: what's winter worm
dad: In the winter, it exists as worms.
dad: in summer it lives inside weeds and dies and becomes part of the weed.
dad: In winter it moves, in summer it is just a twick/weed.
dad: Very fancy stuff ahhhh.
dad: To make ladies sexy and beautiful!
dad: Only Queens can afford them in old days.
me: have me eating worms
me: i'm going to blog this
dad: Hahhhhhhhhh.
dad: It is a known lady life preserver.
dad: Besides helping wheezing problem.
dad:: Isn't your mother is sexy and beautiful.
me: oh yes very
me: but she lived most her life without worms
dad: Real life clinical prove ah.
me: so i'm fine with just good genes
dad: Oh you must count all the vitamins, creams, lotions, love and care etc, etc.
dad: Minus kid stress.
me: hey!
dad: So life is really a concoction of all these.
dad: Put them together with some sun shine and some rain.
dad: Old fashion biotech!

good to know dad still thinks mom is sexy and beautiful. hahaha.
my dad the biotechnologist. haha..

Thursday, March 02, 2006

snow, snow, go away

ok it was kool when the first flurries were coming down. and it's nice and serene walking in the snow at night. but i'm sick of snow already. where's the sun?? here's the forecast for the PITTS.

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