Tuesday, May 31, 2005

long weekend

whoo...what a weekend.
it was hunny's and HC's bday's. went to dinner at kitaro and clubbing at Loft 11. hunny got a little tipsy. haha...he never really drinks except on his bday. sunday was a bbq at hunny's house. poor stanley got his brand new razor phone dunked in the water. anyone familiar with cingular warantees? sunday was dimsum with grandma and then a bbq at diana's new house afterwards. saw diana and jimmy for the first time in a long while. since new years? also saw diana's old roomie cindy. i still remember when diana told me cindy hid all the phones. hahahahaha.... i love diana's house! such a nice neighborhood! went gymming at 9:15. got home at 11. i'm not really tired though, even though i was about at my normal pace on the elliptical. maybe time to step it up. need to buy more workout shorts though. it's been a while since i've purchased workout clothes. all i have are those tight short shorts. those are so out...

Thursday, May 26, 2005

ouch my taste buds

i nicked my tongue on something i ate a few days ago. so a little teeny piece of my tongue (what looks like 1-2 taste buds) is hanging off my tongue and causing me pain. it's such a little insignificant piece but it hurts so much when i swallow and eat something that rubs it. but i can't bring myself to just tear it off because it hurts too much. ouchie....

5 min less traffic

i found a way to reduce my commute time by 5 minutes by taking a local road instead of the freeway! this new route allows me to not only save on time, but i skip most of the congestion on 87 in the morning. that just makes me sooooooo happy!! even though really it's only 5 minutes. it's quality not quantity. 5 minutes of traffic free time.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

the Sith explained

for you star wars fanatics...


it's actually from this great site that has an explaination for almost anything. mebbe diana can learn about the bloated moon phenomenon. haha


financial models wheeee!!!

i just finished doing this elaborate financial model for this deal that is supposed to close soon. i can't believe i actually kinda liked doing it. i mean not that i loooove financial models, but it's so useful to see everything placed so neatly. so easy to make a small change and watch how it affects the rest of the model. it was much easier than the ones we had in school. i was kind of dreading finance stuff at first...but since it's not as hard as in school, it was actually kool.

well being back in the bay has been full of dinners, lunches and get togethers. i miss seeing everyone but at the same time, i need a break. haha. i had something planned every day this week. van burin is spinning on friday...i really want to go see him but i'm just gonna be too tired! this weekend is hunny's bday so we're going all out. heheheh....

i need to work out. it's been 2 weeks and i haven't been doing anything because i was getting over my cold. i still have a lingering cough but i just can't stand it anymore. i'm going to try to get gym membership today. i'm itching to go gymming...

Sunday, May 22, 2005

tuesdays with morrie

i've been reading this book about an old man who's dying from a debilitating disease. this old man was a beloved professor. throughout his life he has affected the lives of countless youngsters struggling to find themselves. as he is dying, one of his students come back to visit him. this becomes his last class, to teach the young man, who threw himself into work, about the meaning of life.

it's so easy to get caught up with daily life. turning in that paper, studying for that exam, finishing that degree to get a better job. with that job comes more responsibilities which make you even busier. in the end...what matters? this is not to say that i think further schooling is bad. or getting a better job is bad. it all depends on what makes you happy. i honestly feel i have grown after starting grad school. and with my internship, i really enjoy the things i'm doing. but i know i need to be careful. i have a tendency to get caught up with work. i think that's why i enjoy spending time with hunny. we complement eachother in this way. although he's a hard worker, he rarely lets work control his life. he keeps me grounded when i stress out, so i know there are more to life than work.

Friday, May 20, 2005

sunny days are here again

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so i ended up going to SD with the fam. what a great way to return to cali. blue skies...palm trees...ahhhh this is the life. grandma went too. we always say she's on vacation when she's with us. cuz we have so much fun with her. i think her favorite thing was our brunch cruise out in the bay. very yummy buffet with beautiful water and nice blue skies. jon took pics but he still has to load them online.

sandy came over to visit with baby ethan. he's soooooo cute! i love his dimples. it's still so hard to believe we used to be 13 years old when we met and now she has a baby boy!

started work. i LOVE it. business development rocks! i love that i get to use my molecular bio stuff again ( i missed you rRNA, mRNA and tRNA!), all the people i work with are insanely intelligent. my boss is the koolest, the VP is the koolest, they are letting me do things that i really enjoy, i don't have to do the things that i don't like. haha...my boss keeps asking me, are you having fun? is there anything else you want to be doing and anything you would rather not do? haha..

i must be dreaming, internships aren't supposed to be like that right?

i got some random awards from school. the enterprise award and a " student in good standing" award. yay for getting random awards!

saw the girls last nite. missed diana cuz she's sick. was great to see so many familiar faces from home. we did the whole girly squealing " hi!!!!" followed by excessive hugging. hahah.... i'm not normally a girly girl but i just couldn't help myself! i was so happy to see them! missed my girl cindy a whole bunch. it's funny that we don't actually end up talking a whole lot on the phone. both being so busy. i love that i could not talk to some friends for the longest time, but when we see eachother and when we talk, it's like no time has passed at all.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

hard coded?

ever wonder why you behave the way you do? and why others behave differently given the same stimuli? ok that sounds geeky. give the same influences, situations, etc. when we are kids...babies even, they say you can discern the different personalities already. my baby bro for instance...has always been a little mischevious and has always gone against the norm. has since childhood. the way he behaves and the way he handles situations have always been the same. of course he has matured since then and things are not exactly the same. however...his reactions and his overall personality have not changed much at all.

me however, i am not sure i've always been the same. deep down...yes i have similarities. but if you met me pre college, i was very much different. quiet in class, hung out with only close friends and didn't talk to many people. not really the extrovert. but i had a lot of regrets in HS. there were a lot of things that i wished i had done but was too afraid to try. so i made a choice to change. be more outgoing, be unafraid of making new friends, be more assertive. for the most part i think i've been successful. of course there are still things i feel i need to work on. i need to have stronger will power at times and i need to learn to limit the things i get involved with.

but what really shapes who we are? was i always this person and my experiences in childhood made me shy until i learned to overcome them? when i was little i had very bad rashes all over my body. my parents had a very hard time figuring out what the cause was. this made me very selfconscious because little kids love to find things to make fun of. did this experience make me into an extremely shy person? if i told anyone i was a shy person now, they would laugh at me. if anything, i'm the antithesis of shy now. but what changed? and when exactly? i have no idea. it was not as if there was one defining experience that changed my whole outlook on life.

i'm asking these questions because i want to help my friend make a change. she has had some friends betray her friendship at a young age. since then at various times of her life, she's had to deal with people who have turned against her. therefore, and very rightly so, she has issues trusting people. however to a certain extent, you have to trust others before they trust you. for example, people don't generally open up their lives to you until they see you are opening up to them. so what comes first, the chicken or the egg? actually, she knows that there are things she needs to change. and yet it seems that this year has been a downward spiral for her. friends have talked to her about her issues. sometimes it seems that the situations she finds herself in can somehow be traced to her lack of trust in people. for example she always had issues with thinking her boyfriends were cheating on her. she was cheated on in the past. but if you never trust someone, you never open your heart in the first place. and if you never open your heart, how can you really be close to someone? how can they be close to u? this is not to say that it's appropriate to spill your guts on a first day. maybe that is the issue? timing? reading people? she tends to read people wrongly i think. how do you learn that? how do you relearn that?

why do some people make friends so easily and for others, it's such a task? is it a warm smile? a look? an invite to a party that makes it easier because you know friends in common? i've been on both sides. it's been hard and it's been easy. when it was hard, i was afraid. scared people would judge me. when it was easy, i didn't really give a shit what people thought. strange how that works huh? when you care, it's the hardest.

i want her to feel free of this burden she creates for herself. i want her to enjoy life and not let things eat her up inside. how do i help her do that? words don't seem to be helping...

a penny for your thoughts.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

home from NYC

i'm sick....blah. and my fam wants to do a last minute road trip to visit my bro in SD this weekend. i really want to go...but i'm not feelin too well.

i had an extremely fun yet surreal trip in NYC before i came home. yanni wanted a riding buddy so i hitched a ride with him to NYC so i could play with amy. thursday we just ate ramen at this little hole in the wall and watched a movie. friday i bought new glasses in chinatown. i had to buy them in chinatown because american stores can't make the lenses thin enough to put into rimless glasses. the ones i chose are muy expensivo though. :-p but last time i picked a cheaper one and i never really liked them that much. the new ones are a little retro though...we see if i ever actually wear them outside. haha... i feel like such a nerd when i wear glasses. friday night we ate at Casa, this homestyle brazilian place where i had this kind of seafood stew with mushed yucca? it's kinda like taro, but brown. the seafood stew was yum!!!

after dinner we went to Bed. Bed is the name of the bar...no we did not go home early. at bed amy was flirting with the bartender so we got a few free drinks. yay for being a girl! the female bartender was picking up on me a little. too bad i'm not gay...i like boys too much. saturday we grabbed breakfast at comfort inn...american style stuff. then we went shopping a little, came back to nap, then got ready for a girls nite out! 8 girls all together...hehehe. had dinner at this italian place that had awesome pizza's. grodo's?? i forget the name. they were really thin crusted just like in italy. after dinner we went to Taj for some bday party. that was boring because it was mostly married people. kinda hard to talk to married people cuz if you talk to a guy, their wife is thinkin you are stealing away their husband or something. awkward... however, afterwards we went to Marquis...this really trendy place. we even had a hookup and walked straight into the club , passing by a huge long line. hahah....gotta love hook ups. one thing strange though...seems like guys in NYC like to showoff their money. the guy that got us in paid for us all i think. and got all our drinks. just to show that he could. we didn't even really know him that well. he was friends with one of the girls. guys from the bay area like to complain if they even have to buy a girl one drink. not that i really would want a guy to pay for everything all the time. i'mjust noticing the contrast i guess.

met up with lisa. also saw old loveboat friends audrey and joanne. we weren't as close on loveboat. but i like the fact that i can just call these girls up and have a great conversation after so many years. joanne took me to this great mediterranean place called Taboon. oh my god it was so good. bread with this special cheese and olive oil, roasted lamb, seared scallops, live music. If you're ever in NYC you gotta go to this place. it's on 10th ave between 52nd and 53rd.

another thing....i watched someone do cocaine right in front of my eyes for the first time. that was the most surreal. and don't worry, i said no when i was offered. they say " it's just like coffee...will wake you right up" right....
i thought cocaine was out with the 80's. blah...drugs are stupid. i've seen some friends get messed up on drugs. no drugs for me.

all in all, NYC was fun as always...eating a lot of good food, hanging with even better company. amy and i always enjoy eachother's company. but oh man....money just flies outta your pockets living in NYC. i miss the green hills of home. so glad i get to spend my summer back in the bay. :)

Monday, May 09, 2005



Sunday, May 08, 2005


love you mom!