Wednesday, July 11, 2007

evite frustrations

why oh why does evite want to implement their stupid faulty opening invitation animation on the evite i just created. now i can't see the responses of the guests and don't know who's in and who's out. QA did a horrible job before release! and no matter how many times i try to change it back to an old format, i still can't get it back to the old evite format. ugh....pissy.

maybe i'm also pissy because i've also wasted my day updating an archaic laptop that my dad wants. it's soooooo slowwwwwwww to restart, install, and just about anything. i hate microsoft! what a waste of time!


At 9:06 AM, Blogger baconandeggs said...

on the opening invitation right side, there is a "guest list" link that shows the guest list and their responses. it wasn't obvious to me. i also prefer the old format.

At 11:04 AM, Blogger melsybo said...

the tabs weren't showing at all for me. i had to clear my cache and then restart firefox to see the tabs. *grumble*


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