Tuesday, December 19, 2006

company party at menara

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the innovation management sciences team! my firm does technology investments with a focus on intellectual property. basically, we view patents like mini start ups. how can this help entrepreneurs? well many entrepreneurs don't want to patent since it takes time and money they don't have. also if someone is infringing, a little start up cannot compete against a larger company. what we do is if we see a really good idea that we are interested in "investing" in, then we will write up the patent, file it, and take care of the licensing and litigation. it's kind of like outsourcing a company's legal department as for as patents are concerned. cool huh?

on friday we went to a holiday party at menara in san jose. bellydancing and morroccan food. at first, i thought it was a strange place to have a holiday party, but later on in the evening it turned out to be perfect! the food was different but all very good. you have to eat with your hands. you also have to order the same meal for the whole table because it's family style. i didn't really like eating with my hands all that much since i was wearing black and got stuff all over the pants i was wearing. however the food was rather tasty. for 40 bux though, it was a one time event since i can do without seeing the aging belly dancers with muffin tops (i just learned what this is - check it out in the urban dictionary). a fun and memorable night definitely! i really liked the washing of the hands with rose water, and the interesting sweet tea at the end of the nite. also the lamb dish was really tasty.

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