Thursday, November 30, 2006


traffic sucks! it sucks away your time that you could be spending doing something else. i keep trying to figure out different times to leave in the morning. all of a sudden this week traffic has gotten wayyyy worse! of course it doesn't help things that i woke up late today. my mom put thicker down comforters on everyone's beds and now i my internal alarm clock is failing me. normally i wake up 15 min after i snooze my alarm. today it was ....snooze....zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

i also highly recommend people to get a mattress heater. it's a heated blanket that you put on top of your mattress (under the mattress sheet) and keeps you nice and toasty. you would think that i wouldn't need it since i have the thick blankets. problem is that my feet get so cold that they don't have enough heat on their own to get trapped in the blankets. so i'll remain shivering for a good hour or so until my body warms up. socks don't help because there's no heat in my feet!

i really really like the show heroes. just awesome! i wish there were more episodes...the finale is next week. the writing is really creative, the camera angels and video editing are colorful and bring life to the characters. i love how each episode's title is displayed by handwritten looking text on different surfaces of the image. just like a comic book...

hunny and i leave for HK and Thailand on dec 26th! counting down the days.


At 11:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, it was so cold in my bed last nite that my space-age memory foam body-conforming pillow was coldly stiff and wouldn't conform to my face! It hurt my ear that was pressed against it. :(

At 2:08 PM, Blogger melsybo said...

cindy - ouch!! you really should try the mattress heater thing. soooo toasty.

disciple - yes cali doesn't get as cold as MN. however if you are further inland, it can get to 40's. now i know you don't think this is an issue, but in cali people don't always turn on the heat at night. especially asian people because we think we can just conserve energy (and money) with thicker comforters. i was actually warmer in PA because we kept heaters on in all of the bedrooms. as for the networks, yes i've noticed the shorter seasons. i wonder if it's because the shows have gotten more elaborate. for lost, it probably takes a long time for each episode. for heroes, lots of special effects which actually look extremely realistic. non of the cheesy effects.

At 3:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Disciple - it was 39F overnight last nite in my area, which beats the 1994 record low of 41F. It was 51F in my house when I finally got out of bed this morning, which was already considerably warmer than it was at 3am when I had lain shivering and suffocating.

At 3:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys have inspired me to blog about how cold it is.

At 1:42 PM, Blogger diana said...

you know, i get cold easily but i am very warm at night, and i have 1 silk blanket (not too heavy) and 1 quilt. the silk blanket, of course, is not like a silk shirt, but rather, the filling is made of silk and super warm.

At 10:46 AM, Blogger James said...

Heh, I just leave my thermostat on at 67 deg at night, and 71 when I'm supposed to wake up. But then again my place is pretty well insulated, so things stay warm for a while.


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