Monday, November 06, 2006

i don't understand

so hunny has tried to invite my parents out to dim sum more often. but they don't want to go because they don't like it that i stay over at his house. hello, i'm 29!! other people my age live together with their sig others! i completely agree it's not ok to live together when too young. in fact, personally i don't plan on living together with someone unless we're married. hunny has offered that i move in with him, he's also offered to buy a house together since he knows i'm looking right now. but i prefer to get my own place, more because of a personal goal of mine to own my own home. also, i prefer not to live together until marriage so that we feel a huge change in our lives after we get married. but staying over is a different thing. since hunny and i are as busy as we are, most of the time we can only see eachother at night. sometimes we'll even just sit there doing work together , but it's just nice to sit next to eachother.

anyhow, so my parents don't want to have dim sum with him when he asks. but they say he should initiate since i'm the girl and they are the parents of the girl. his parents have asked for me to invite them over to eat, but i know that they won't like to do that if they already don't want to have dimsum with hunny.

but then, yesterday mom starts asking when i'm going to get married, yada yada. i tell her, well, in the next couple of years probably. have kids a couple years after that. and then mom starts talking like that's too late, i should get married faster? she wants me to get married soon, but doesn't want to go out with hunny when he invites out my parents. and doesn't want to go meet hunny's parents?

oh and another thing! everyone knows how career and schooling are important to my parents. so hunny has been studying for of which not many people attain and is very difficult to get. so as he's working a full time job and a part time job after hours, he's also studying. and now my mom wonders if he'll have time for kids?!! but if he weren't doing all that work and studying, she would have problems also! an she asks if he's doing the working and studying for them or for himself. if they talked to him more often, they would know it's for him! his parents ask me to come to dinner all the time. when they don't see me, they always ask where i am and what i'm doing. but apparently my parents don't want to ask hunny to come over, and they don't want to go out if he invites them. ok....

and then! there is also the issue of my parents getting along with his parents. funny thing is, my parents can get along with any stranger on the street. they will just talking to random people sometimes and invite them to our house. but when it comes to my sig other's parents, they must be perfect in every way for them to get along.



At 2:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can get around some of that by inviting your parents to dim sum and not telling them whether or not your SO is also attending. Your parents shouldn't care who invites who out, just be glad that someone is inviting somebody out. And they should be grateful for the invitation if someone does take time out to invite them to dim sum. Of course, I take the harsher approach to things, and my parents know I'm fiercely independent.

At 3:24 PM, Blogger melsybo said...

greetings disciple of mel! i read your blog, hilarious! have i met you before? how did you come across my blog? please continue writing, i love it!

At 5:53 PM, Blogger Whine Girl said...

oh hey Mel.. that thing you wanted to see... email me!

At 10:38 AM, Blogger melsybo said...

wow i didn't think i was that googlable. so my curiousity is killing me. are you ever going to tell me who you are?

At 2:50 PM, Blogger melsybo said...

wow... totally random! way kool. :) oh and Jet Li's Hero is one of my all time fav action flicks. it was the very first dvd i wanted to watch when i got an HD tv.

At 3:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanna take this time to say what Diana already knows: I'm psychic!

At 2:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn -- calling me out on the pinky swearing. *sigh* My powers must be bound, then.


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