Wednesday, October 25, 2006

drinks with D

she was hoping to catch sabrina before dinner and hang out a bit before her game, i was just keeping her company. we chatted about what it takes for a guy to really understand us. she thinks some guys just "get it" and some guys don't. for me, i think some guys have the patience to learn to "get it", and some guys just don't want to try. however i'm not even sure "getting it" is the most important. TT got me. he understood every little emotion, expression, everything. and whever he didn't understand, he would go above and beyond to try to understand. yet with all his efforts, ultimately i don't think it was his understanding of me that helped him at all. when it came down to it, i just felt we were fundamentally two different people. hunny however, i can't say i would have thought we had all that much in common when we first met, other than our easy going nature. as i've come to know him, i've found we have a lot more in common than i thought, yet it was never as if he tried extra hard to know me or that i tried extra hard to know him. there are plenty of things in which we differ. but somehow it works just fine. i know he doesn't like to do everything i like to do, but i know he's always willing to go with me if i would like him to. diana and i posed the question - would we really like to date a mirror image of ourselves? alike in every way but male. i used to say that was what i wanted, but it's not how things turned out. and i'm still happy. go figure.

also, i met up someone i dated for a little while many years ago. at the time, i was really hung up over him for breaking up with me (i think i took it as a complete surprise since he had asked me out first when i wasn't even interested in him, so i didn't see the break up coming) we didn't date long, maybe 2-3 months at most. and i'm able to stay friends with people i've dated since i get over things quickly. sure i cried for a couple days but once it's out of my system, i'm ok. it was strange seeing him again after all this time. he definitely was not what i remembered. skinny, fobby, and worn out looking. he was quite a bit older than me when we dated so he's pretty old now. this is sad, but boy am i glad we broke up. we have absolutely nothing in common. although the conversation was ok, it was not phenomenal.

things to ponder however...we discussed how as we get older, we get more picky. we know what to look for. but how does that really help us? the xdate is now much older and still single. he was picky then and even pickier now. but he's sad that he doens't meet good potentials anymore since "all the good ones are taken". was he too picky? what if he settled, would he have been able to be happy? or is that mediocre happiness better than his loneliness now? food for thought...


At 10:48 AM, Blogger melsybo said...

i think everyone does. but from most married couples i know, they always say they just "knew" it was right.


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