Tuesday, October 31, 2006

saving energy

dad has been on an energy saving rampage. he has gone around the whole house to replace every single light bulb he could find with a flourescent bulb. However the new bulbs are so much brighter than the old ones. when i walk into the bathroom with the nine large bulbs that illuminate the mirror, i feel like i need sunglasses. the nightlights in the bathroom are now so bright, it kinda defeats the purpose of being a nightlight. aren't nightlights supposed to be a little dim so as not to hurt your eyes after coming from darkness? dad has even turned off a light while i was watching TV in the room, stood there waiting for the bulb to cool, then replace the bulb after it has cooled for more than 15 minutes. oh, he also tried to replace a lamp in my room by plugging in a nightlight instead. when i flipped on the switch, the nightlight went on. needless to say i took out his nightlight and plugged my lamp back in immediately.

although the new lights are nice and bright, some of them take time to "warm up" so they start off dim. kinda annoying. but i suppose it's worth it to save 50% on the energy bill.


At 11:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least your parents do something to help out, mine just complains about everything and drives me crazy.

I've stumbled upon your blog recently and thought I'd give a comment.

At 1:49 PM, Blogger melsybo said...

welcome james! how did you come across my blog? just curious since i didn't think anyone but close family and friends read this thing.

i checked out your blog also. BSG and Heroes are awesome shows! i'm so addicted.

At 3:36 PM, Blogger Jane Lee said...

Check into James' Blog, he had the same lighting issue with his parents. I put in a mild comment; hope he is not offended in any way.

At 3:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Friends who blog has links to other blogs, who linked eventually to your blog. I get bored at work alot, so I look for something interesting to read. Blogs are the literary versions of reality TV, which I get hooked on way too easily.

I could probably do a traceback of exactly how I found this blog if you really wanted to.

At 2:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually my dad didn't have anything to do with it. My place just came with fluorescence in parts of the house, and incandescent in others. I don't like the kind of light fluorescence give off, but the only place where I don't have a choice is in the kitchen. But I get alot of natural sunlight as well as incandescent light from the living room to make up for it. The other parts of the house, only the bathrooms have fluorescence, and I rarely use those, I usually turn on the incandescent bar lights above my mirrors.

At 3:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, it saves 50%? Maybe I should make the switch, and pay, like, $13/month for electricity.


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