Monday, November 06, 2006

ucla vs cal

will, diana and i went to watch the ucla-cal game on saturday. we headed over to bart around 2:30 to meet up with people at 4 and then make it to our seats by 5ish. along the walk from bart and the meeting point however, we got distracted by Top Dog and got a bite to eat. will and i both had two hot dogs (i had the bratwurst and the german) while diana got a hotlink. we were chomping down while walking to our meeting point, will was dropping a trail of mustard and onions along the way. haha. we got to the meeting point at stratta cafe and met molly and a bunch of dave chen's friends. poor dave organized the whole thing and couldn't make it at the last minute because he work sent him to China. as we walked to the stadium, there were masses and masses of people to wade through. so many bruins came out for the game! of course a ton of cal fans. while walking, we saw a bunch of faces that looked familiar, but it was too hard to chat since everyone was going off in different directions. i think i saw an old peer health counselor - robin. she was with her husband and her new baby. i think i also saw eric, an old floormate from my days in sproul hall.

it was fun being at the game with my close friends and cheering against all the cal people around us. even though ucla lost. although the bruins had so many chances to score and they would just let the ball slip through their fingers! ugh! maybe they were freaked out by the huge cal players. they were HUGE! i would just hand the other players the ball to avoid being smooshed if i were them. good thing i'm not a football players. ;)


At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"maybe they were freaked out by the huge cal players. they were HUGE! i would just hand the other players the ball to avoid being smooshed if i were them."


At 10:24 AM, Blogger melsybo said...

well seriously! there was a head on collision at one point and both players went down. then the ucla player got up and seemed ok, then he fainted and flopped right to the ground! just hand the huge player the ball...


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