Tuesday, January 30, 2007

busy bee

been a busy bee lately, work has been picking up. i'm definitely enjoying the bus dev and patent analysis more now. as for the more quantitative stuff, can't say i really enjoy that as much but it's a neccessity.

still sticking with the fitness routine though. hunny and i always work out at least once if not twice over the weekend. i skipped sunday but i went spinning on monday. i had a good workout, however not a great one. having a great spin instructor with good music does wonders for the workout. i find when i'm singing or bopping along with the music and the instructor is pushing you to keep pace with the song - hyping everyone up- i really push my body. yesterday's instructor would just say things like - yeah, you know that dessert you ate ....pedal faster. if you don't like how your body looks - pedal faster. not the best motivational instructor. also the crowd was less in energy. normally there is the random person that shouts and hollers since they are excited and pushing hard. no random shouting person yesterday. as strange as those people are, it does make me excited and want to push also!

anyhow, i'll try to make another class tonight. the instructor is better but the music stinks...i like to rock out to trance/euro stuff while spinning.

results! i'm starting to see the abs peek out behind my fat again. still a lot of jigglies though...

eating - i'm eating less and more frequently. at work i have a stash of dried fruit and energy bars. fiber! i'm also keeping up with the more water versus juice rule. lots of green tea also. however i still have chocolate in my desk that i snack on from time to time. hehe...

it's also nice hunny works out so much. we motivate eachother to go. we also motivate eachother for work too. i was really stressed out with some work related things and it's always nice that he can calm me down. he's also thinking about becoming a product manager. he's currently in a more technical role. those of you who have experience in being a product manager, any thoughts? it's actually a nice deal - he would keep the same pay. however he has to start as a marketing engineer before getting promoted to product manager. so he would be starting over in a new area.


At 11:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job on the workouts! And thanks for reminding me to drink water. I reached for my bottle and gulped as I read your blog.

It's nice to have a workout partner. Some days the workout partner is the ONLY reason I'm at the gym.

At 10:45 AM, Blogger melsybo said...

haha, glad i induced some further hydration. i think it's great you are working out with Mr. W. great job on the results. but whoo---three hour workouts? superwoman!


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