Friday, August 26, 2005

back to school

i'm back in my room. wednesday i cleaned up everything, dusted off all the shelves, did 2 loads of laundry. met all the roomies. they all seem pretty cool and considerate. i think it will work out well living with them. although i do miss the girls i used to live with. it was always nice to come home to some estrogen and have girly talks after hanging out with all the boys at tepper. now i see everyone with their laptops open downstairs and the fridge is full of liquids. and the good side, guys have much less stuff so the place is a lot less cluttered. also these guys are much cleaner. who woulda thought?

gonna take a hip hop class with rita. she's teaching! i'll be hanging out with her a lot this year so i can have more girl time. still waiting for financial aid to come in. they say it's gonna be on the 29th. in the meantime i'll have to transfer some funds. man, where does all my money go!? i'm still waiting for one roomies financial aide to come in so he can pay rent. :P


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