Friday, August 19, 2005

back to the east side

i'm in NYC before i drive back to pitts with yanni boy. for some reason i'm just not enthused about returning to school. i really had an awesome summer seeing all my friends and family again. i always feel sad when leaving the bay area. the sadness was really setting in as the plane took off. i could feel the tears try to burst out of my eyeballs.

i'm glad that i can at least see amy before school. last nite we talked until 3 in the morn. ug. i woke up at 1PM today. still not adjusted to the time.

i miss home. :(


At 11:05 AM, Blogger Jane Lee said...

SK: I know this kind of feeling. I got sent away to Macau (from Hong Kong) for boarding school since I was in 4th grade until junior high and then again to college in US. I still remember there was one day my father sent me away when it was raining, He standed in the rain to see the ship off the pier. Rain fell off the rim of his felt hat and his rain coat was all wet... Parents feel sad too. It is only one more year and it will go fast. Focus and do good.


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