Monday, October 22, 2007


this weekend hunny took me to go see the bodyworlds exhibit in downtown SJ. i had wanted to see this exhibit but didn't know it was in town! they didn't allow us to take pictures of course so you will have to go search online for pics. we had met up with hunny's friends allen and lisa to first at the museum. when hunny first told me we were going to the museum, i didn't believe him since he doesn't like going to museums that much. he goes with me because i like them but he gets bored after a while. so i thought when he said we were going to a museum that it was some sort of new restaurant or something. haha. but then he said we were going there at 4 and then dinner afterwards. i didn't find out it was bodyworlds until we were walking up to the museum.

i had some hesitation in seeing the exhibit at first because i have a very active imagination and i often get nightmares at night from things i've seen because my brain just goes crazy with images. even if those things weren't initially that scary, but my mind turns them into scary things. because the art exhibit displays real human bodies, i knew i would feel both interest in looking at all the nerves, muscles, etc as well as feel a slight fear i would get nightmares. the exhibit was amazing. it was really cool to see how he displayed movement in inanimate objects so well. also the displays pushed my visual limits and allowed me to see something beautiful in what some people could argue was possibly grotesque. i saw a lot of parents brought their kids, so the kids could get a good biology and anatomy lesson. quite a few of the bodies had gray lungs from smoking, with one display focusing only on the difference between healthy lungs, smoker's lungs, and coal miner lungs. as i was standing there, a dad was showing the lungs to his son - "see, that's what happens to your lungs if you smoke" i thought it was pretty cool that the displays were so educational. we saw everything from the nervous system, circulatory system, renal system to the reproductive system. i'm always in amazement at all the complex emotions art can draw from you. i highly recommend you go see this exhibit before it leaves the bay area.

i tried to get my parents to go but they are afraid of seeing dead people. you just have to get over that's really beautiful and a one-of-a-kind experience.


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