Monday, March 26, 2007

human tricks

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so brandon is showing the group how to squat and rise on one leg. much harder than he makes it look! ted, wayne, viv and i all tried but couldn't do it. well actually i think ted was able to do the one leg squat and rise later. we were at nadeem's house for his surprise bday party. here is a video of the surprise. notice how i jump up first BEFORE everyone else and stand there looking like a dumbass for 5 seconds before everyone else jumps up. nadeem was wondering "why is mel in my kitchen??" haha. it was his first surprise party ever and he noticed the pepsi (nadeem loves pepsi) before he noticed his mom sitting on the counter with a huge camera. nadeem's wife azmina really did an awesome job planning everything and decorating the house. it was a bball theme and the whole place was decorated with kings themed items. even the flowers were purple and gold! i really like her and i can tell she's really good for him.

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saturday hunny and i had some dimsum and then i went to meet up with sabrina, jimmy and caroline for wine, cake and cookies at Sabrina's sister Felicia's house in san jose. I got to see her engagement ring in real life on her hand for the first time. so pretty! we talked about engagements, weddings, jobs and life in general. Jimmy was saying how his sabrina would just sit and gaze at her ring adoringly. haha. so funny. I wonder if i will do that when i get engaged - i think i would feel silly staring at my hand. later that nite i met up with hunny, had a fabulous dinner at his parent's house. his dad cooked some large shrimps (with the heads on. yum!), a large steamed fish, steak, chicken, and other various chinese veggies. i peeled the shrimps for hunny and took his heads because otherwise there would be a bunch leftover! those kind of shrimps are not good the next day.

saturday night we were supposed to meet up with people at suite 181. however hunny was suddenly hit hard with allergies and i had to bail on my friends last minute even after i was already fully dressed and made up. at first i was a little mad since i hate flaking last minute when i already said i would go. jyan was up from LA and was going to meet us there and it was also alyson's bday so aaron's whole group of friends were meeting us there also. however i took one look at his pitiful face - red watering eyes and large red running nose. i knew he was feeling horrible and if it were the other way around, he would cancel on his friends to take care of me. so we stayed in and watched old episodes of Lost while lying in bed.

sunday we met up with park and his bf aidan at crepevine in berkeley. i'm kicking myself for not taking pics. i even had my camera in my purse!! park is doing great and is now looking to start his own optometry practice. of course park is still the same as i remember him in college. stressing on the details. i still remember him in college stressing for hours on the imperfection of his hair before we would go out. haha. but of course attention to detail is a good thing when running your own business. i really enjoyed meeting his bf. aidan seems like someone who really cares about park and helps to balance the relationship.

after crepevine we headed over to dublin to meet up with jyan for a little bit. i watched as all the boys tried to see how many pull ups they could do at the nearby park. haha. they got up to 14 pull ups and 4 one armed pull ups each. i didn't even attempt since i've already tried to do a pull up recently and could only get half way up. haha. i'm weak sauce! then later we listened to the songs that jyan and minshu recorded that weekend and i gave my feedback. the second song was quite good but they need to have more than just ballads. i think jyan's natural register is lower and would lend better to rock songs. but hey, gotta give props to two lawyers who can actually sing and play music. i know i would suck at writing my own songs.

after such a busy weekend you know what i'm most thankful for? my hunny who is willing to attend all the different social events with me. i heart hunny.

and so the week has begun and i had an interview today for a strategic alliance BD position. i really like the company and the job. i really really hope i get it! next step is to talk to the director.


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