Monday, November 13, 2006

ramen conversations

had ramen with jennifer and donna on sunday. it was nice to see them since i don't see them very often. jennifer lives in sf now and i rarely make it up there these days due to laziness. it's actually funny how i've met both girls. both were invited to my pool party by other people. however i don't really talk to the person that invited them that much. i do talk to jennifer a lot whenever i get the chance.

we chatted a lot about dating...of course. jennifer was divorced and is now dating quite a bit. she's tall, smart, in excellent shape and hot. so she has no problems finding dates of course. however she says she's always attracted to the "player" types. such types are fun to hang out with, but they are flaky and don't return calls. i think i've been lucky that i've always been attracted to the good boys. saved me a lot of headaches... and heartaches.

we also talked about rules. many women are a huge fan of rules. only hang out with guys as group events unless it's a date. if you are in a relationship, no hanging out with another person of the opposite sex unless it's just lunch. dinner is off limits. the guy always has to ask first. if a guy doesn't have good manners, he's out.

funny thing is, the girls used to be complete opposite. independent women who didn't care about gender rules. however after meeting many flakes, they now feel like the rules help keep them out of trouble (eg. guy friends who think one on one dinners are dates) , increase their motivation to date (less time is taken up with one on one dinners with only friends) , and only the ones who are truly interested in something serious will call (flakes don't return calls).

my conclusions after the ramen conversations...i'm a complete abnormality. i like good boys, i don't care who calls first, i like having one on one dinners with friends no matter what gender and will feel somewhat dissed if those stop after the friend has a sig other (of course the sig other is always welcome but sometimes it's just nice to catch up one on one), i don't get jealous if my sig other has dinner with another girl, i don't get jealous if sig other even travels with other girls without me as long as i've met the other girls, and i'm completely ok with not seeing sig other every day. although i would like to see my sig other every day, talking on the phone every day is good enough for me. oh and btw, i don't like shopping, i love gadgets, and i display many "mars" characteristics (i'm a problem solver). yes...a complete abnormality.

P.S. the ramen place we went to was the Ramen House Ryowa, 859 Villa St on Mountain View. i still like Santa Ramen in san mateo better. although Ryowa has better noodles and gyoza, the broth is much better at Santa Ramen.


At 2:31 PM, Blogger diana said...

i am with you on most of the rules. mostly because i need a lot of flexibility, so it's only fair to afford the same to the sig other. plus when the guy is trustworthy, there really isnt that much to be concerend about. but i guess the key is find the one who is trustworthy.

At 3:19 PM, Blogger melsybo said...

i guess i always assume the person i'm dating is trustworthy already. call it laziness or optimism, it just takes too much energy to worry about what my sig other is doing every second of the day. plus, it would really bug me if my sig other was extremely jealous and deemed me untrustworthy. so i see it as a two way street. trust me, and i'll trust you.

At 2:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

funny, I just wrote a post about this today.

I think the way we see male friends is the product of being single women in today's independent woman world at age 30.

At 9:49 PM, Blogger melsybo said...

cindy, i read your post. my parents are the same way. while i agree, later on in life i want to be just like my parents, inseparable. for now however, before kids, i think it's healthy to be a little independent.

At 3:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think if you're so inclined to be independent, you should definitely do it before kids, so after the kids come along you don't become resentful.


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