Thursday, May 25, 2006

why i love blueberries

ever since i was little, i've loved everything blueberry related. my fav breakfast place in LA is this little cafe called blueberries. they have blueberry muffins, blueberry iced tea, blueberry lemonade, and of course blueberry pancakes.

today as i was watching a baby channel with my mom, she told me the story of her pregnancy with me. (or rather, she was retelling it since i've heard it a few times, but i never tire from hearing about it) she had many appetite urges when she was pregnant with me. one of the recurring urges was her craving for blueberry pancakes from IHOP! so you see, i've liked blueberries since i was in the womb. hahaha...

my mom had all three of us born naturally, as in no epidural. as i was watching this baby channel with my mom, there were scenes of women giving birth. i have no idea how my mom could go through that! no meds! but i suppose it makes things more exciting. i mean, you're REALLY happy when it's over. haha. i think i want to have my first child natural...but we'll see if i stick with it once i start feeling all the pain. not that i plan on having kids anytime soon anyways. so don't start freaking out!


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