Sunday, March 13, 2005

spring break

so all the competitions , vc fairs, networking events went pretty well. have some good leads on internships and people are starting to recognize me now. so basically i was networking like crazy all break. met some really kool people. i think now networking is getting to be more fun than work since now i'm becoming friends with people rather than just contacts. that's kinda kool. one alum, he was a kauffman fellow. that's this program that grooms people for venture capital. he started his own fund now after working in other funds for 4 years. at 19 he started a biotech that went public. nutzo huh? and he's totally kool and not a nerd or stuck up at all. I hope he can become a mentor for me.

all this busy work got me wondering. am i forever destined to be busy all the time? what would it be like to just be satisfied to take some marketing position at a biotech and be ok with that, something more common. something easier to attain. would i then make myself nuts by doing more volunteering or something? i don't think i remember a time i wasn't really busy. as a child it was painting lessons, piano lessons, guitar lessons, glee club, band, summer sports, etc etc. in college it was volunteering at a hospital, research, peer health counselors. after that was work, social obligations, night classes, naaap. i wonder if there is a name for this disorder that i have. i hope this doesn't mean i will be stressed out when i'm older and won't be able to enjoy a family life. that really worries ...more than people know. what if i'm unable to be not busy? unable to slow down? i wonder if my husband will be ok with such a busy body for a wife. i wonder when i'll be ready for marriage. i don't feel ready now because i'm still in school. when will i feel ready? will i make the right choices for my future. will i always worry too much?


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