Tuesday, February 01, 2005

cases, homework and projects ...oh my!

two cases were due last nite, stayed up until 4 in the morning. have another case due tomorrow as well as a difficult finance HW assignment. need to go to a meeting off campus to VC club related stuff thursday. need to email people to coordinate speakers to come to the biotech forum. need to email vc people about a possible speaker series.

this busy bee sure is tired!

but that's ok, as much as complain, i still love school. :) if anyone is thinking about going back to school, GO. it really is amazing to find out just what you are capable of.


At 6:34 PM, Blogger Jane Lee said...

SK: There is a Chinese proverb that says: "Before Heaven bestow a big responsibility to a person/scholar/gentleman, It will harden his/her heart and will, toil his/her muscle and bone, starve his/her body and countenance, fill his/her mind with heavy burden. All these are to make him/her a very capable person to do things that others can't accomplish." Mel, you will find truth and wisdom in this 5000 years of Chinese Culture.

At 10:24 PM, Blogger hydride said...

It's amazing to hear about all the things you're doing these days. For lunch today I walked up and down Campus Drive by myself and missed our group lunches. Keep it up!

At 8:26 PM, Blogger melsybo said...

awww...i miss our groupie lunches too! in the fishbowl :) ordering kaz. 3 saba's please!


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